比爾蓋茲推薦書單(Great and Amazing Reading List by Bill Gates)

圖片來源 : Gatesnote


比爾‧蓋茲(Bill Gates)是微軟共同創辦人,也是一名美國著名企業家、投資家以及慈善家。1995年到2007年的富比士全球富豪榜中,比爾‧蓋茲曾經連續13年蟬聯世界首富頭銜。

大家都知道,比爾‧蓋茲(Bill Gates)喜歡閱讀,還會在其個人部落格:Gatesnote 寫寫讀書心得。從2010年開始寫讀書心得,並從2012年開始,每年固定發表推薦書單,夏日一次,年尾冬季又一次,加上有時還會不定時額外推薦,累積到2020年夏季,總共推薦了150本書。






5本冬季閱讀書單(5 books to enjoy this winter)

Because I’m a data guy, I like to look at my reading list and see if any trends emerge. This year, I picked up a bit more fiction than usual. It wasn’t a conscious decision, but I seemed to be drawn to stories that let me explore another world.


5 books to enjoy this winter

影片來源 : GateNotes

The subject matter is heavy but thought-provoking, and I got sucked into Roy and Celestial’s tragic love story. ──《GatesNotes》

An American Marriage這本書主題沈重,但卻發人深省,本書令我為Roy和Celestial兩人的愛情悲劇深深著迷。──《比爾.蓋茲》


Even if you’ve read a lot about U.S. history, I’m confident you will learn something new from These Truths. ──《GatesNotes》

無論你對於美國歷史多麼熟悉,我相信你都能從These Truths這本書中學到一些新東西。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

As always, I don’t agree with everything Smil says, but he remains one of the best thinkers out there at documenting the past and seeing the big picture. ──《GatesNotes》

一如以往,我不認同Smil在本書觀點,但他仍然是最偉大的鑑往知來思想家之一。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

註:本書作者Vaclav Smil是比爾蓋茲最喜歡的作家之一,每年書單都會有他著作的書上榜。

Along the way, she shares what she’s learned about teaching kids not just what they need to get into college, but how to live a good life. ──《GatesNotes》

她(Tavenner為美國知名新型實驗學校創辦人)分享在此過程中所學到的經驗,不僅僅要給予孩子進入大學所需的知識,還教他們如何過上美好的生活。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Walker has persuaded me to change my bedtime habits to up my chances. If your New Year’s resolution is to be healthier in 2020, his advice is a good place to start. ──《GatesNotes》

Walker這本書改變了我的睡前習慣,如果你下定決心要在2020年變得更健康,那麼他的建議是一個不錯的起點。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

2019夏日書單(Looking for a summer read?)

I always like to pick out a bunch of books to bring with me whenever I get ready to go on vacation. More often than not, I end up taking more books than I could possibly read on one trip. My philosophy is that I’d rather have too much to read on a trip than too little. ──《GatesNotes》

每當我準備去度假時,我總是喜歡挑一堆書帶著,大多數時候,我所帶的書會比我一次度假所能讀的書還多。我的理念是,我寧願在旅途中帶太多來閱讀,也不願書帶不夠。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

I’m a big fan of everything Jared has written, and his latest is no exception. The book explores how societies react during moments of crisis. He shows that there’s a path through crisis and that we can choose to take it. ──《GatesNotes》

我原本就是作者 Jared 的忠實粉絲,這本書一樣也不例外,本書探討了在危機時刻社會的反應。而戴蒙擘畫出一條身陷危機時可以選擇的道路。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

I’m a big fan of books that go deep on one specific topic, so Nine Pints (the title refers to the volume of blood in the average adult) was right up my alley. It’s filled with super-interesting facts that will leave you with a new appreciation for blood. ──《GatesNotes》

我對深入探討一個特定主題的書特別感興趣,所以Nine Pints(9品脫,約4.3公升,相當於一位成年人的血液量)就是這麼一本符合我興趣的書,書中充滿了非常有趣的事實案例,將帶給你對血液的全新認識。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Towles’s novel about a count sentenced to life under house arrest in a Moscow hotel is fun, clever, and surprisingly upbeat. Even if you don’t enjoy reading about Russia as much as I do (I’ve read every book by Dostoyevsky), A Gentleman in Moscow is an amazing story that anyone can enjoy. ──《GatesNotes》

Towles的這本關於在大都會旅館遭軟禁長達數十年的莫斯科紳士的故事非常有趣、充滿智慧且非常正面,即使你沒有我那麼喜愛俄羅斯,這本小說的故事內容非常驚艷,任何人都可以享受本書。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

註:本書也是2020夏季書單中再次提到值得閱讀之書(Other books worth reading)

Presidents of War is worth reading, whether you are one of the nation’s leaders or just an armchair historian. Michael Beschloss’s latest book gave me insights about leadership. ──《GatesNotes》

無論你是國家的領導人之一還是僅僅是歷史學家,Presidents of War這本書都值得一讀,Michael Beschloss的最新著作為我提供了有關領導力的見解。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

A renowned economist’s thought-provoking new book. ──《GatesNotes》

著名經濟學家的發人深省的新書。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

2019曾發表過的書評(GatesNotes Books)

2019年,除了上述所列的推薦書單(5 books to enjoy this winter & Looking for a summer read?)之外,下列的書是比爾蓋茲在其個人部落格:Gatesnote曾發表過書評的書單:

Blueprint by Nicholas Christakis is a fascinating look at human behavior. Blueprint is a refreshing reminder that, when people say we’re all in this together, it’s not just a platitude—it’s evolution. ──《GatesNotes》

Blueprint是由Nicholas Christakis所撰寫的關於人類行為的迷人著作。Blueprint 令人耳目一新,提醒人們,當人們說我們在一起的時候,這不僅僅是陳腔濫調,而是演化發展。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

I would say this even if I weren’t married to the author: The Moment of Lift is a terrific read. ──《GatesNotes》

即使我沒跟梅琳達結婚也會這麼說,提升的時刻是本超棒的書。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》



2018年我喜歡的5本書(5 books I loved in 2018)

A great read is the perfect gift: thoughtful and easy to wrap (with no batteries or assembly required).


5 books I loved in 2018

影片來源 : GateNotes

Melinda and I loved this memoir of a young woman whose thirst for learning was so strong that she ended up getting a Ph.D. from Cambridge University. ──《GatesNotes》

我和Melinda都很喜歡這本回憶錄,Tara渴望知識的心情強烈到,使她最終獲得劍橋大學的博士學位。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

It’s an immensely complicated topic, but Scharre offers clear explanations and presents both the pros and cons of machine-driven warfare. ──《GatesNotes》

這是一個非常複雜的話題,但是Scharre提供了清晰的解釋,並介紹了自動武器戰爭的利與弊。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

The story is even crazier than I expected, and I found myself unable to put it down once I started. This book has everything: elaborate scams, corporate intrigue, magazine cover stories, ruined family relationships, and the demise of a company once valued at nearly $10 billion. ──《GatesNotes》

本書故事比我想像的還要瘋狂,而且我發現自己一開始讀本書就無法停下來。這本書包含了所有內容:精心設計的詐騙案、企業利益陰謀、家族醜聞以及這家市值百億獨角獸公司的殞落。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

But Harari is such a stimulating writer that even when I disagreed, I wanted to keep reading and thinking. All three of his books wrestle with some version of the same question: What will give our lives meaning in the decades and centuries ahead? ──《GatesNotes》

Harari是一個很有啟發性的作家,即使我不完全同意Harari的某些論點,我仍想繼續閱讀他的著作並思考。他的三本書都在探討同一個問題:在未來的幾十年乃至幾個世紀裡,我們的生命將會有什麼意義? ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Yuval Noah Harari 對台灣讀者說的話

I’m sure 25-year-old me would scoff at this one, but Melinda and I have gotten really into meditation lately. If you’re thinking about trying mindfulness, this is the perfect introduction. ──《GatesNotes》

我相信25歲的我一定會對這本書嗤之以鼻,但最近我和Melinda養成了冥想的習慣。如果你也想要讓自己的心靈沈澱(正念,mindfulness),這本書會是很棒的入門手冊。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

註:本書也是2020夏季書單中再次提到值得閱讀之書(Other books worth reading)

今年夏天值得閱讀的5本書(5 books worth reading this summer)

I’ve read some terrific books lately. When I pulled together this list of five that you might enjoy this summer, I realized that several of my choices wrestle with big questions.


Isaacson does the best job I’ve seen of pulling together the different strands of Leonardo’s life and explaining what made him so exceptional. A worthy follow-up to Isaacson’s great biographies of Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs. ──《GatesNotes》

Isaacson在書中穿針引線,把達文西生命中不同的面向完整地集結成冊,並解釋了讓他如此傑出的原因。如果你拜讀過Isaacson的賈伯斯傳愛因斯坦傳,那此書肯定值得你繼續追隨。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

The result is a heartbreaking, surprisingly funny memoir about faith and coming to grips with your own mortality. When I was done with the book, I went online to see how she was doing. ──《GatesNotes》

這是一本既令人心碎,卻又令人愛不釋手的回憶錄。我看完後,還持續關注作者的部落格。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Kate Bowler 在 TED TALKS 的演講

I thought I knew everything I needed to know about Abraham Lincoln, but this novel made me rethink parts of his life. This is one of those fascinating, ambiguous books you’ll want to discuss with a friend when you’re done. ──《GatesNotes》

我以為我對林肯瞭如指掌,但這本小說使我重新思考了關於他一生中的一部分。這是一本非常迷人小說,你在閱讀完後會想和朋友一起討論。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


Understanding where humanity comes from is crucial to shaping where we go next. Origin Story is an up-to-date history of everything that will leave you with a greater appreciation of our place in the universe. ──《GatesNotes》

了解人類來自何處對於塑造我們未來的去向至關重要,起源的故事這本書是所有事物的最新歷史,讓你正確評價人類在宇宙中的地位。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Hans, the brilliant global-health lecturer who died last year, gives you a breakthrough way of understanding basic truths about the world—how life is getting better, and where the world still needs to improve. One of the best books I’ve ever read. ──《GatesNotes》

Hans於去年去世,他是一位出色的全球衛生講師,本書用開創性的方式帶領了解有關世界的基本真相,即生活正在變得更好以及世界上尚須改進的地方,這是我讀過最棒的書之一。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Hans Rosling 在 TED TALKS 的演講

2018曾發表過的書評(GatesNotes Books)

2018年,除了上述所列的推薦書單(5 books I loved in 2018 & 5 books worth reading this summer)之外,下列的書是比爾蓋茲在其個人部落格:Gatesnote曾發表過書評的書單:

Capitalism Without Capital explains how things we can’t touch are reshaping the economy. ──《GatesNotes》

沒有資本的資本主義這本精采的新書解釋了我們無法觸及的事情正在重塑經濟。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

It’s not what you know, it’s what you can accomplish.

I’d recommend John’s book for anyone interested in becoming a better manager. ──《GatesNotes》

重點不在於你知道什麼,而在於你完成了什麼。 我會向有志成為更好的經理的任何人推薦John的這本書:OKR:做最重要的事。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Paper Towns is still my favorite John Green book—but my family loved talking about Turtles at the dinner table, and I think yours will, too. ──《GatesNotes》

紙上城市(Paper Towns)仍然是我最喜歡的John Green的書,而這本尋找無限的盡頭我們全家都喜歡,也會在吃飯時一起討論故事內容,而且我想你也願意這樣做。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

The world is getting better, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. I’m glad we have brilliant thinkers like Steven Pinker to help us see the big picture. Enlightenment Now is not only the best book Pinker’s ever written. It’s my new favorite book of all time. ──《GatesNotes》

這個世界正變得越來越好,就算感覺不總是如此。我很高興我們有像Steven Pinker這樣優秀的思想家,幫助我們看清全貌。這本書不是Pinker唯一的好書。它是我歷來最愛的一本書。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》



我今年讀過5本很棒的書(5 amazing books I read this year)

Reading is my favorite way to indulge my curiosity.

I still think books are the best way to explore new topics that interest you.


5 amazing books I read this year

影片來源 : GateNotes

This gorgeous graphic novel is a deeply personal memoir that explores what it means to be a parent and a refugee. ──《GatesNotes》

這本美麗動人的圖文小說是一本深刻的個人回憶錄,探討了身為父母與難民這兩種身份的意義。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

註:本書也是2020夏季書單中再次提到值得閱讀之書(Other books worth reading)

If you want a good understanding of how the issues that cause poverty are intertwined, you should read this book about the eviction crisis in Milwaukee. He gave me a better sense of what it is like to be poor in this country than anything else I have read. ──《GatesNotes》

如果你想深入了解導致貧窮的問題是如何交織在一起的,你應該讀這本有關於密爾瓦基驅逐危機的書。與其他我讀過的書籍相較,這本書讓我更清楚地理解在美國貧窮生活的樣貌。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

If you’re a huge fan of him like I am, you’ll love this book. His written voice is very similar to his stage voice, and I found myself laughing out loud several times while reading it. ──《GatesNotes》

如果你像我一樣是他的超級粉絲,那麼你一定會喜歡這本書的。他的文字與他在舞台上的表演一樣幽默風趣,我在讀這本書的時候好幾次都會邊讀邊笑。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Most of the books I’ve read and movies I’ve seen about the Vietnam War focused on the American perspective. Nguyen’s award-winning novel offers much-needed insight into what it was like to be Vietnamese and caught between both sides. ──《GatesNotes》

我讀過的大多數關於越戰的書籍和電影,大部分都是集中在美國人的角度及觀點。Nguyen的得獎小說則提供了另一個視角,描繪了身為越南人卻被夾在美國和越南兩方中間的感受。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

It’s not the easiest book to read, but at the end you’ll feel smarter and better informed about how energy innovation alters the course of civilizations. ──《GatesNotes》

這不是一本容易閱讀的書,但是讀完之後,你將對能源創新如何改變文明進程感到更加聰明和理解。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

註:本書作者Vaclav Smil是比爾蓋茲最喜歡的作家之一,每年書單都會有他著作的書上榜。

2017夏日書單(5 good summer reads)

The books on this year’s summer reading list pushed me out of my own experiences, and I learned some things that shed new light on how our experiences shape us and where humanity might be headed. ──《GatesNotes》

今年夏日推薦書單上的書使我脫離了自己的經歷,我學到了一些東西,這些東西為我們的經歷如何塑造我們以及人類可能走向何方提供了新的啟示。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

In fact, Noah’s mother emerges as the real hero of the book. Her greatest gift was to give her son the ability to think for himself and see the world from his own perspective. ──《GatesNotes》

Noah的母親是真正的英雄,她給孩子最好的禮物,就是解放他的思想,讓他學會用自己的角度看世界。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Melinda thought I would love Maylis de Kerangal’s The Heart. She was right. I’m glad Melinda recommended this book to me, and I recently passed it along to a friend who, like me, sticks mostly with nonfiction. ──《GatesNotes》

Melinda認為我會喜愛Maylis de Kerangal所寫的The Heart這本小說。她是對的。我很高興Melinda能把這本書推薦給我,我最近也把這本書送給了一個和我一樣幾乎只讀非小說類作品的友人。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

While the book offers insights into some of the complex cultural and family issues behind poverty, the real magic lies in the story itself and Vance’s bravery in telling it. ──《GatesNotes》

雖然絕望者之歌這本書提供了對貧窮背後一些複雜的文化和家庭問題的看法,真正有魔力的地方在於故事本身以及Vance講述故事的勇氣。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

I don’t agree with everything Harari has to say, but he has written a smart look at what may be ahead for humanity. A provocative new book raises big questions about the future. ──《GatesNotes》

我不同意哈拉瑞的所有觀點,但他描繪了一幅人類未來可能會遇見的奇妙圖景,這是一本令人鼓舞且提出了有關未來的重大問題的新書。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

A quick retelling of the former president’s fascinating story. ──《GatesNotes》

快速回顧一下前總統的迷人故事。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

2017曾發表過的書評(GatesNotes Books)

2017年,除了上述所列的推薦書單(5 amazing books I read this year & 5 good summer reads)之外,下列的書是比爾蓋茲在其個人部落格:Gatesnote曾發表過書評的書單:

AI is on the verge of making our lives more productive and creative. That is what makes books like Hit Refresh so valuable. Satya has charted a course for making the most of the opportunities created by technology while also facing up to the hard questions. ──《GatesNotes》

人工智慧即將讓我們的生活更有生產力、更有創意。這正是刷新未來價值非凡的原因。Satya不僅描繪出新科技創造的新機會,也直接面對最艱難的問題。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

In I Contain Multitudes, Yong synthesizes literally hundreds and hundreds of papers, but he never overwhelms you with the science. He just keeps imparting one surprising, fascinating insight after the next. ──《GatesNotes》

我擁群像這本書整理數百篇學術論文,卻絲毫沒有企圖用科學知識壓垮你,你將跟著作者的文字掉進迷人又令人驚奇的新見解裡。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

All lives have equal value. But some deaths seem particularly cruel. But this book definitely earned my admiration—and tears. ──《GatesNotes》

所有生命都有同等價值,但有些死亡似乎特別殘酷。但是這本書肯定贏得了我的欽佩和眼淚。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》



我在2016年讀過的最好的書(My favorite books of 2016)

From tennis to tennis shoes and genomics to great leadership, these books delivered unexpected insights and pleasures.


Holiday Books 2016

影片來源 : GateNotes

This book has nothing to do with physics, but its title will make you look super smart if you’re reading it on a train or plane. ──《GatesNotes》

這本書與物理學無關,但書名會讓你在火車或飛機上閱讀時顯得超級聰明。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

I don’t think Knight sets out to teach the reader anything. Instead, he accomplishes something better. He tells his story as honestly as he can. It’s an amazing tale. ──《GatesNotes》

我認為Knight(NIKE創辦人)不會想在書中教讀者任何東西,反而是完成了另一件更好的事,就是盡他所能誠實地講出自己的故事,這是一個了不起的故事。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

In his latest book, Mukherjee guides us through the past, present, and future of genome science, with a special focus on huge ethical questions that the latest and greatest genome technologies provoke. Mukherjee wrote this book for a lay audience, because he knows that the new genome technologies are at the cusp of affecting us all in profound ways. ──《GatesNotes》

Mukherjee在其最新著作中,帶領讀者穿越基因科學的過去、現在和未來,特別關注於最新和最偉大的基因科技所引發的巨大倫理問題,因為他深知新一代的基因技術將會怎麼樣用最深刻的方式影響世人。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Brown shows that the leaders who make the biggest contributions to history and humanity generally are not the ones we perceive to be “strong leaders.” Instead, they tend to be the ones who collaborate, delegate, and negotiate—and recognize that no one person can or should have all the answers. ──《GatesNotes》

Brown說明對歷史和人類做出貢獻良多的領袖,通常並不是我們認為那樣是強勢領導者。相反地,這些領袖都傾向透過合作、協調以及分配來做事,並且了解到沒有一個人可以或應該知道所有事情的答案。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

I think this book would convince you that the electrical grid is one of the greatest engineering wonders of the modern world. I think you would also come to see why modernizing the grid is so complex and so critical for building our clean-energy future. ──《GatesNotes》

我認為這本書會讓你相信了解到電網是現代世界上最偉大的工程奇蹟之一,我想你也還想了解為什麼現代電網會如此複雜以及對建構未來乾淨能源至關重要。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

2016夏日書單(5 books to read this summer)

This summer, my recommended reading list has a good dose of books with science and math at their core. The following five books are simply ones that I loved, made me think in new ways, and kept me up reading long past when I should have gone to sleep. ──《GatesNotes》

今年夏天,我的推薦閱讀書單上有很多以科學和數學為核心的書籍。以下五本書簡直就是我的最愛,它們使我有了新的思維方式,並使我閱讀許久才去睡覺。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

You might lose patience with all the information you’ll get about space flight—Stephenson, who lives in Seattle, has clearly done his research—but I loved the technical details. Seveneves inspired me to rekindle my sci-fi habit. ──《GatesNotes》

你也許會對書中讀到的太空飛行相關資訊感到不耐煩(住西雅圖的作者Stephenson,顯然下了不少工夫研究)但我很喜歡那些技術性的細節。7夏娃這本書讓我重拾閱讀科幻小說的習慣。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Ellenberg, a mathematician and writer, explains how math plays into our daily lives without our even knowing it. In some places the math gets quite complicated, but he always wraps things up by making sure you’re still with him. ──《GatesNotes》

這本書是數學家Ellenberg用有趣的方式,向讀者解釋數學如何在我們不知情的狀況下影響我們的日常生活。書中有時會包含非常複雜的數學原理與計算,不過Ellenberg都有辦法化繁為簡,用吸引人且容易理解的例子包裝它們。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Even if the details of Nick’s work turn out to be wrong, I suspect his focus on energy will be seen as an important contribution to our understanding of where we come from. ──《GatesNotes》

即使有些Nick對於粒線體(mitochondria)的研究最終被驗證是錯誤的,也無損他在追尋生命起源的過程上所做出的巨大貢獻。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


The Power to Compete is a smart look at the future of a fascinating country. ──《GatesNotes》

The Power to Compete這本書將帶我們一瞥日本這個迷人國家的未來可能性。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Although I found things to disagree with—especially Harari’s claim that humans were better off before we started farming—I would recommend Sapiens to anyone who’s interested in the history and future of our species. ──《GatesNotes》

雖然我不同意書中的某些觀點(Harari表示人類在農業時代之前過得更好),我仍然會推薦人類大歷史這本書給任何對我們人類的歷史和未來感興趣的人。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Noah Yuval Harari 在 TED TALKS 的演講

2016曾發表過的書評(GatesNotes Books)

2016年,除了上述所列的推薦書單(My favorite books of 2016 & 5 books to read this summer)之外,下列的書是比爾蓋茲在其個人部落格:Gatesnote曾發表過書評的書單:

America’s best days are not behind us. ──《GatesNotes》

美國最好的日子還沒有過去。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》



我在2015年讀過的最好的書(The best books I read in 2015)

The best things I read in 2015.


Best Books of 2015

影片來源 : GateNotes

What does a virtuous life look like? David Brooks suggests an intriguing idea. ──《GatesNotes》

美好的生活是什麼樣的?David Brooks提出了一個非常有趣的想法。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

David Brooks 在 TED TALKS 的演講

It is a brilliant concept. If you can’t explain something simply, you don’t really understand it. ──《GatesNotes》

這是一個絕妙出色的概念,如果你無法簡單地解釋某些事情,那麼代表著你不是真正理解它。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Being Nixon explores the different sides of a complicated man. ──《GatesNotes》

這是一本讓你看清尼克森(Nixon)分歧矛盾個性的傳記。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

The book’s message is clear and convincing: We can’t go on using materials the way we have been for the past 150 years, but fortunately, we don’t have to. ──《GatesNotes》

該書傳達的訊息清楚而有說服力:我們無法繼續使用過去150年來的材料,但幸運的是,我們不必這樣做。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Nancy Leys Stepan has written a useful history of efforts to eliminate diseases. ──《GatesNotes》

Nancy Leys Stepan寫下了努力消除疾病的有用的歷史。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

What you believe affects what you achieve.你相信什麼就能成就什麼。 ──《GatesNotes》

The value of this book extends way beyond the world of education. It’s just as relevant for businesspeople who want to cultivate talent and for parents who want to raise their kids to thrive on challenge. ──《GatesNotes》

這本書的價值超越了教育領域。 對於想要培養自我才能的商人和想要培養孩子面對挑戰的父母來說,這本書都很合適。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

The Vital Question, by Nick Lane, is an amazing inquiry into the origins of life. I loved it so much that I immediately bought all of Lane’s other books. ──《GatesNotes》

生命之源的作者是Nick Lane,對生命起源提出驚人的詢問。我非常喜歡這本,於是我立即購買了Lane的所有其他書籍。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


更多海灘閱讀書單(Beach reading (and more))

Last year, there was only one book on my summer reading list that you could reasonably call a beach read. This year I tried to pick a few more things that are on the lighter side.


Allie Brosh’s memoir looks openly at depression. It’s also very funny. I must have interrupted Melinda a dozen times to read to her passages that made me laugh out loud. ──《GatesNotes》

Allie Brosh的回憶錄公開地看似沮喪,但其實很有趣。我讀這本書給Melinda聽的時候,中斷了數十遍,因為一直忍不住捧腹大笑。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

註:本書也是2020夏季書單中再次提到值得閱讀之書(Other books worth reading)

I loved reading this science book for young adults. ──《GatesNotes》

我喜歡為年輕人讀這本科學書。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

It’s an entertaining read, and you’ll also learn a bit about things like ballistics, DNA, the oceans, the atmosphere, and lightning along the way. ──《GatesNotes》

這是一本有趣的讀物,你還將學到一些有關彈道學、DNA、海洋、大氣層和閃電的知識。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

註:本書也是2020夏季書單中再次提到值得閱讀之書(Other books worth reading)

Randall Munroe’s twisted comic takes on science and technology. ──《GatesNotes》

Randall Munroe(如果這樣,會怎樣的作者)的怪誕漫畫呈現了科學和技術的面貌。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

註:本書也是2020夏季書單中再次提到值得閱讀之書(Other books worth reading)

A new mother writes about the world of vaccines. This is a thoughtful and beautifully written book about a very important topic. ──《GatesNotes》

一位新手媽媽寫了關於疫苗世界書。這是一本周到而精美的書籍,講述了一個非常重要的主題。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


I picked up this short, easy-to-read book after seeing it on a Wall Street Journal list of good books for investors. I enjoyed it so much that it was one of a handful of books I recommended to everyone at TED this year. ──《GatesNotes》

我從華爾街日報給投資人的閱讀書單中看到這本書,我非常喜歡它,因此它是我今年向TED推薦給所有人的幾本書之一。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Can we produce enough meat for everyone without wrecking the planet? ──《GatesNotes》

我們能為每個人生產足夠的肉而又不破壞地球嗎? ──《比爾.蓋茲》

註:本書作者Vaclav Smil是比爾蓋茲最喜歡的作家之一,每年書單都會有他著作的書上榜。

我為TED 2015推薦的6本書(6 books I recommended for TED 2015)

I got to go to the TED conference again this year, and the team there asked for a list of books I’d recommend to my fellow attendees. Here’s what I passed along to them. ──《GatesNotes》

我今年必須再次參加TED大會,TED團隊要求我提供一些我會推薦的書籍清單給與會者。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

2015曾發表過的書評(GatesNotes Books)


Read this book and you’ll never look at a pencil or razor the same way. ──《GatesNotes》

閱讀本書,你將會用全新的眼光看待看鉛筆或剃刀等周遭物質。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

As Epic Measures shows, the more we make sure reliable information gets out there, the better decisions we all can make, and the more impact we all can have. ──《GatesNotes》

我們獲得更多正確的資訊,便能做出更好的選擇,也更有影響力。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》



我在2014年讀過最好的書(The best books I read in 2014)

I didn’t really plan it this way. But as I look at the list of the best books I read this year, I see how a number of them touch on economics and business.

Here are short reviews of those three, plus two other terrific books I read this year. Not all of these came out in 2014—sometimes I fall behind and don’t get to a book until well after it’s been published.



Shortly after we met, Warren Buffett loaned me this collection of New Yorker business articles from the 1950s and 1960s. I loved them as much as he did. Brooks’s insights about business have aged beautifully, and they are as true today as ever. ──《GatesNotes》

我們認識後不久,巴菲特就借給我這本1950年代和1960年代的紐約客商業文章集,我和他一樣喜愛這本書。Brooks對商業的見解日臻完美,如今它們一如既往地真實存在。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Business Adventures is old, hard to find, and the best business book ever. ──《GatesNotes》

Business Adventures出版很久也很難找到,卻是有史以來最好的商業書籍。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


註2:商業冒險是巴菲特和比爾蓋茲公認為有史以來最好的商業書籍(The best business book of all time):


Capital sparked a fantastic global discussion this year about inequality. Piketty kindly spent an hour discussing his work with me before I finished my review. As I told him, although I have concerns about some of his secondary points and policy prescriptions, I agree with his most important conclusions: inequality is a growing problem and that governments should play a role in reducing it. I admire his work and hope it draws in more smart people to study the causes of, and cures for, inequality. ──《GatesNotes》

二十一世紀資本論(Le Capital au XXIe siecle)今年引發了全球有關財富和收入不均問題的精彩討論。在我完成書評之前,Piketty花了一個小時與我討論他這本書的議題。正如我告訴他的那樣,儘管我對他的一些次要觀點和政策建議感到憂心,但我同意他最重要的結論:財富和收入分配不均是一個日益嚴重的問題,各國政府應在減少貧富不均這方面發揮作用。我很欣賞他的這本鉅作,希望它能吸引更多聰明的人來研究造成貧富不均的原因和解決方法。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Can the lessons from Asia’s rise apply on another continent? ──《GatesNotes》

亞洲崛起的經驗可以適用於另一大陸嗎? ──《比爾.蓋茲》


Graeme Simsion’s second Rosie book is just as smart, funny, and sweet as his first.The novel I gave to 50 friends. ──《GatesNotes》

Graeme Simsion的第二本Rosie書和他的第一本(蘿西計畫,The Rosie Project)一樣聰明,有趣和可愛。我把這本小說買來送給50個朋友。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

註:蘿西相關小說也是2020夏季書單中再次提到值得閱讀之書(Other books worth reading),蘿西的三本小說都使比爾蓋茲大聲笑出來。

A fascinating look at the stuff that makes modern life possible. If anyone tries to tell you we’re using fewer materials, send him this book. ──《GatesNotes》

令人著迷的東西使現代生活成為可能。如果有人想告訴你我們正在使用較少的材料,請寄給他這本書。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

註1:本書作者Vaclav Smil是比爾蓋茲最喜歡的作家之一,每年書單都會有他著作的書上榜。

關於疾病的好書(Good disease books)

I read more books on disease than anything else. Here are four good ones that I’ve read over the years. ──《GatesNotes》

我讀到有關疾病的書比其他任何類別得多。接下來的四本書是我這些年來所讀過的好書。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

If you read just one book about malaria, The Fever may be the best choice. ──《GatesNotes》

如果你打算只讀一本有關瘧疾的書,The Fever可能是最好的選擇。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Bill Foege is one of my heroes. Among his many accomplishments, he was instrumental in ridding the world of smallpox, which is still the only human disease ever eradicated. This book gives you a great view from the front lines of that battle. It’s a fantastic story that gives you real insight into how he thinks about his work. ──《GatesNotes》

Bill Foege是我心目中的英雄之一,幫助世界消除天花是他的眾多成就之一,而天花是目前為止唯一根除的人類疾病。本書從前線為你提供了關於那場戰役絕佳的視角。這是一個奇妙的故事,可讓你真正了解他對自己工作的看法。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Smallpox: The Death of a Disease

D.A. Henderson is another hero of the global-health world who worked closely with Bill Foege on eradicating smallpox. By showing people that it really was possible to eradicate a disease, he helped lay the groundwork for the work we’re doing now to get rid of polio (which I’m optimistic will be done in 2018) and malaria. ──《GatesNotes》

D.A. Henderson是全球醫療衛生界的另一位英雄,他與Bill Foege緊密合作地消滅了天花,向人們證明確實有可能根除疾病。他幫助奠定了我們現在正在開展的工作的基礎:消除小兒麻痺(我很樂觀將在2018年完成)和瘧疾。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

In this book he really opens your eyes to the vast differences between the health of the rich and the health of the poor. ──《GatesNotes》

在這本書中,作者Paul Farmer確實使你看到了富人的健康與窮人的健康之間的巨大差異。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

我會推薦的6本書(6 books I’d recommend)

If you’re looking for something to read this summer, I’d recommend any of the books below. I read them all earlier this year and think each one is terrific.


The former Treasury Secretary's front-row view of the financial crisis. ──《GatesNotes》

前財政部長對金融危機的前瞻性看法。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

How Teddy Roosevelt and William Taft changed America. ──《GatesNotes》

西奧多·羅斯福和威廉姆·塔夫(第26屆和第27屆美國總統)如何改變美國。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

I’m especially interested in the central question that Doris Kearns Goodwin raises in The Bully Pulpit: How does social change happen? Can it be driven by a single inspirational leader, or do other factors have to lay the groundwork first? ──《GatesNotes》

我對Doris Kearns Goodwin在The Bully Pulpit中提出的核心問題特別感興趣:社會變革是如何發生的?它可以由一個鼓舞人心的領導者來推動,還是有其他因素已事先為其做好鋪陳? ──《比爾.蓋茲》


It’s a funny and profound book about being comfortable with who you are and what you’re good at. I’m sending copies to several friends and hope to re-read it later this year. It is one of the most enjoyable novels I’ve read in a long time. ──《GatesNotes》

這是一本有趣且有深度的書,它講述了對自己的身份和擅長的領域感到自在滿意,我正在將本書送給幾個朋友,並希望在今年晚些時候重新閱讀。這是我很久以來讀過的最有趣的小說之一。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

註:蘿西相關小說也是2020夏季書單中再次提到值得閱讀之書(Other books worth reading),蘿西的三本小說都使比爾蓋茲大聲笑出來。

Humans are putting down massive amounts of pavement, moving species around the planet, over-fishing and acidifying the oceans, changing the chemical composition of rivers, and more. Natural scientists posit that there have been five extinction events in the Earth’s history (think of the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs), and Kolbert makes a compelling case that human activity is leading to the sixth. ──《GatesNotes》

人類製造大量的人造修建工程,在地球上造成物種遷徙,過度捕撈和酸化海洋,改變河流的化學成分等等。自然科學家認為地球歷史上曾發生過五次大滅絕事件(例如消滅了恐龍的小行星),Kolbert提出了令人信服的論點,即人類活動正在導致第六次大滅絕事件。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

An architect of Obamacare on why the U.S. health system needed to change. ──《GatesNotes》

歐記健保(歐巴馬健保)的一位設計規劃者,他解釋了為什麼美國健康保健系統需要改變。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


我和Melinda向TED聽眾推薦的10本書(10 books Melinda and I recommended to the TED crowd)

Melinda and I attended TED this year, and the organizers asked us to suggest a few books that attendees might enjoy. I thought I’d share the lists we put together, starting with my picks.


Steven Pinker’s carefully researched study stands out as one of the most important books I’ve ever read. Pinker paints a remarkable picture showing that the world has evolved over time to be a far less violent place than before. It offers a fresh perspective on how to achieve positive outcomes in the world. A thoroughly worthwhile read. ──《GatesNotes》

Steven Pinker的精心研究是我讀過的最重要的書之一,Pinker描繪了一幅引人注目的圖畫,顯示了暴力如何從我們的世界中逐漸消失。本書為如何在世界上取得積極成果提供了新的思考問題的角度,值得一讀的好書。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


Charles Kenny’s elegant book on the impact of aid carefully documents how the quality of life—even in the world’s poorest countries—has improved dramatically over the past several decades. ──《GatesNotes》

Charles Kenny關於援助影響的優雅著作,仔細記錄了即使在世界上最貧窮的國家中,生活品質在過去幾十年中的顯著改善。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


Her(Katherine Boo) book is a poignant reminder of how much more work needs to be done to address the inequities in the world. But it’s also an uplifting story of people striving to make a life for themselves, sacrificing for their families, and in their own way, being innovative and entrepreneurial in creating a vibrant local economy. ──《GatesNotes》

她(Katherine Boo)的書深深打動並提醒要解決世界上的不平等現象還需要做更多的工作。但這也是一個令人振奮的故事,人們努力為自己謀生,為家庭犧牲奉獻,並以自己的方式,發揮創新和企業家精神地創造一個充滿活力的地方經濟。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


This is a story of genius, self-sacrifice, and determination. Borlaug was a remarkable scientist and humanitarian whose work in agriculture is rightfully credited with saving the lives of over a billion people. ──《GatesNotes》

這是一個關於天才、自我犧牲和決心的故事。Borlaug是一位傑出的科學家和人道主義者,其在農業方面的工作被認為拯救了超過10億人的生命。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


Vaclav Smil is probably my favorite living author. If you care about energy issues, I recommend this volume, though its unvarnished look at the realities of energy use and infrastructure may be disconcerting to anyone who thinks solving our energy problems will be easy. ──《GatesNotes》

Vaclav Smil可能是我最喜歡的作家。如果你關心能源問題,儘管對能源使用和基礎設施的現實情況,其未加掩飾的坦率看法可能會讓任何認為解決我們的能源問題很簡單容易的人感到不安,但我還是建議你閱讀此書。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


Here’s Melinda’s list :


This book is both about the importance of investing in Africa’s smallholder farmers and a compelling blueprint for doing it effectively. Thurow shows how, together, we can make this wanjala(Swahili for “hunger season”) the last one. ──《GatesNotes》

這本書既涉及投資非洲小農的重要性,也涉及有效實施該計劃的強而有力藍圖。Thurow解釋如何共同使wanjala(斯瓦希里語,飢餓季節)成為最後一個。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

This book reinforced my own belief that developing communities already have the potential and desire to spark the change that will lead to better lives for themselves and their families. ──《GatesNotes》

這本書堅定了我的信念,即發展中社區已經具有潛力和願望來激發改變,從而為自己和家人帶來更好的生活。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


In the Company of the Poor: Conversations with Dr. Paul Farmer and Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez

Paul Farmer is longtime friend of mine, and through these pages, you can hear his voice and feel his deep personal connection to improving lives for people who are too often ignored. ──《GatesNotes》

Paul Farmer是我很久以前認識的朋友,藉由這本書,你可以聽到他的觀點意見,並體會到他的深厚人際關係來改善常常被忽視的人們的生活。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Design thinking is a model of problem solving that could have huge implications for global health and development. It’s an approach that recognizes that the people facing challenges have the best understanding of what solutions will really work for them—so we need to invite them to participate in the design process as well. So many of the women and families I meet already have the potential to lift themselves out of poverty. Design thinking reminds us that to unlock this opportunity, we have to first enlist their help. ──《GatesNotes》

設計思考是解決問題的思維模式,可能對全球健康和發展產生巨大影響。這種方法可以辨識出,面臨挑戰的人們對哪種真正適用於他們的解決方案有最佳的了解認識,因此我們也需要邀請他們參與設計過程。我遇到的許多婦女和家庭已經有擺脫貧困的潛力。設計思考提醒我們要開啟這個機會,我們必須首先爭取他們的幫助。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


This is an amazing tale of a group of women coming together to change the course of a country’s history—and it’s also the inspiring story of how Leymah overcame her own doubts and fears and found the courage to lead them. ──《GatesNotes》

這是一個令人驚詫的故事,一群婦女聚在一起改變一個國家的歷史進程,這也是關於Leymah如何克服自己的疑慮和恐懼並找到勇氣領導她們的鼓舞人心的故事。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

2014曾發表過的書評(GatesNotes Books)


What we can learn from Jeffrey Sachs’s ambitious project in Africa. ──《GatesNotes》

我們可以從Jeffrey Sachs的志向遠大的非洲計畫中學到什麼。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

I told the staff: If you want to learn about why human welfare overall has gone up so much over time, you should read The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality, by Angus Deaton. ──《GatesNotes》

我告訴基金會(Gates Foundation)的同仁:如果你想了解為何人類的整體福祉隨著時間而進步快速,一定要讀Angus Deaton的財富大逃亡這本書。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》



我在2013年讀過最好的書(The best books I read in 2013)

I read a lot, but I don’t always choose what’s on the bestseller list. Many of the books I read this year actually came out years ago. That’s why this post isn’t called the Best Books of 2013…

I read mostly nonfiction because I always want to learn more about how the world works. And reading is how I learn best.



Shipping containers are way more interesting than you might think. ──《GatesNotes》

貨櫃箱比您想像的要有趣得多。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

The Most Powerful Idea in the World is an entertaining narrative weaving together the clever characters, incremental innovations and historical context behind the steam engines that gave birth to our modern world. ──《GatesNotes》

The Most Powerful Idea in the World採用一種有趣的敘事編寫方式,將孕育我們現代世界之蒸汽機背後的聰明人物、漸進式創新和其歷史背景結合在一起。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Looking at the impact human activities are having on the web of plants, animals, and other life forms that compose the Earth’s biosphere, and what it means for our future. ──《GatesNotes》

考察人類活動對構成地球生物圈的植物、動物和其他生命形式的網絡所產生的影響,以及對我們未來的意義。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

It’s not as good as Diamond’s Guns, Germs, and Steel. But then, few books are. Diamond finds fascinating anecdotes about what life is like for hunter-gatherers and asks which ones might apply to our modern lifestyles. He doesn’t make some grand pronouncement or romanticize tribal life. He just wants to find the best practices and share them. ──《GatesNotes》

本書不如Diamond的槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵,但這本書還是相當傑出。作者將過去傳統狩獵採集者生活的有趣軼事描述地相當引人入勝,並詢問哪些可能適用於我們的現代生活方式。他沒有發表任何宏大的聲明或使部落生活浪漫化,他只想找到最好的習俗慣例並分享。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Jerven provides an analysis of African economic development statistics. ──《GatesNotes》

Jerven提供了對非洲經濟發展統計數據的分析。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

There's a lot of concern about the cost of college. This book looks at college costs in the context of the larger economy, and offers suggestions for policy to increase access. ──《GatesNotes》

大學的學費引起了很多關注。這本書著眼於更大的經濟背景下的大學學費,並為增加入學機會的政策提供了建議。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

The story of the “wager of the decade.” ──《GatesNotes》

十年的賭注的故事。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

我的夏季閱讀書單(My summer reading list)

Last year I shared my summer reading list, and I thought I’d do it again this year. Here are a few of the books I’m planning to read, along with one recommendation of a book I’ve already finished.


Melinda read this book a while ago and wrote a great review of it on the foundation’s site. Molly Melching started a group called Tostan, which initially set out to end the practice of female genital cutting. Today they have expanded to many different areas, all related to expanding opportunities for women and girls in Africa. I’m sure it will be an enlightening read. ──《GatesNotes》

Melinda前不久讀了這本書,並在基金會的網站上對其發表了精彩的評論。Molly Melching創立了一個名為Tostan的組織,該組織最初著手終止女性割禮的習俗。今天,它們已擴展到許多不同的領域,都與擴大非洲婦女和女童的機會有關。我敢肯定這將是一個令人獲得啟發的閱讀。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


Tough argues that non-cognitive qualities like perseverance and optimism are what make kids successful. He looks in particular at the research on improving college graduation rates for low-income and minority students, which is an issue our foundation does a lot of work on, so I’m curious to see what he has to say. ──《GatesNotes》

Tough認為,毅力和樂觀等非認知特質是使孩子成功的關鍵。他特別關注在研究提高低收入少數族裔學生的大學畢業率,我們基金會在這個問題上做了很多工作,所以我很好奇想看看他還說些什麼。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

If you’re been reading this site for long, you know that Smil is one of my favorite authors. The term “polymath” was made for people like him. He writes thoughtful, thorough books on energy, innovation, agriculture, history, diet, and a lot more. I’m trying to read everything he writes, but he publishes so quickly that I can’t keep up. While his style can be a little dry and isn’t for everyone, I learn more by reading Vaclav Smil than just about anyone else. ──《GatesNotes》

如果你長期閱讀本網站,就會知道Smil是我最喜歡的作家之一。Polymath(博學的人)一詞是為像他這樣的人而設的。他撰寫了有關能源、創新、農業、歷史以及飲食等方面的周到且詳盡的書籍。我正在嘗試閱讀他寫的所有內容,但他出書如此之快以至於我無法跟上。雖然他的風格可能有些枯燥,可能不適合所有人,但透過閱讀Vaclav Smil的書,我學到的東西比其他人都多。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

I learned a lot about different forms of discrimination that affect people’s performance but are very hard to detect. It helped me understand why even some very intelligent people don’t do as well as you might expect when they get to college. It also breaks down a lot of myths, like the idea that minorities will prosper if we can just do away with discrimination in hiring. Discrimination has a lot of layers that make it tough for minorities to get a leg up. And Steele offers a few ideas about how to tackle the problem. It’s a very good read. ──《GatesNotes》

我了解到很多不同形式的歧視,這些歧視會影響人們的表現,但很難被發現。它幫助我理解了為什麼即使是一些非常有才華的人,在上大學時也做不到你的期望。它也打破了許多迷思,例如只要我們能夠消除就業方面的歧視,少數族群就會繁榮。歧視有很多層次,這使得少數民族很難勝人一籌。而Steele提供了一些有關如何解決該問題的想法。這是一本值得一讀的好書。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Patriot and Assassin

A friend of mine gave me this novel and insisted that I read it. It’s a thriller about terrorists plotting an attack on U.S. soil. I don’t generally read a lot of fiction. I think The Hunger Games was the last novel I read. ──《GatesNotes》

我的一個朋友給了我這本小說,並堅持要我讀。這是恐怖分子企圖襲擊美國土地的驚悚小說。我通常不會看很多小說,我認為飢餓遊戲是我讀的最後一部小說。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


年終閱讀書單(A year-end reading list)

Some books on predictions, inequality, prosperity, steam and Warren Buffett.


Nate Silver's known for accurately predicting the outcome of the 2012 U.S. presidential election. This book is about predictions in many domains besides politics. He knows a lot about baseball, and I especially liked his explanation of hold’em poker. ──《GatesNotes》

Nate Silver以精準預測2012年美國總統大選的結果而聞名。這本書是關於政治以外的許多領域的預測,他對棒球了解很多,我特別喜歡他對德州撲克的解釋。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Stiglitz’s contributions are important in that he really does a good job of articulating the issues of inequality and the economic factors that underlie it. ──《GatesNotes》

Stiglitz的貢獻很重要,因為他清楚闡明了不平等問題和造成不平等背後的經濟因素。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Normally, I’m fairly positive about the books I review, but here’s one I really took issue with. ──《GatesNotes》

通常,我對我讀過的書持相當肯定的態度,但這是我真正不贊同有不同看法的書。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


2013曾發表過的書評(GatesNotes Books)

除了2013年讀過最好的書(The best books I read in 2013)、我的夏季閱讀書單(My summer reading list)以及在2013年初也就是2012年末的年終閱讀書單(A year-end reading list) 推薦的書之外,下列的書是比爾蓋茲在其個人部落格:Gatesnote曾發表過書評的書單:

An economist explores a controversial subject: teacher accountability. ──《GatesNotes》

一位經濟學家探討了一個有爭議的主題:老師當責制。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

I recently picked up Kofi Annan’s book, Interventions: A Life in War and Peace, about his years as Secretary-General of the UN. It was a reminder of his achievements in global health and development, and helpful to learn about the other side of his UN work on peacekeeping issues. ──《GatesNotes》

For anybody who wants to understand the complexities of the role of the Secretary General, this book is an illuminating read. ──《GatesNotes》

我最近讀了Kofi Annan的書干預:戰爭與和平中的一生,講述了他擔任聯合國秘書長的歲月。本書提醒人們他在全球衛生與發展方面的成就,並有助於了解他在聯合國維持和平問題上的另一面工作。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

對於任何想了解聯合國秘書長角色複雜性的人來說,這本書是一本有啟發性的讀物。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》



讓我思考的十本書(Ten Books that Made Me Think)

I read some amazing books this year. Every one of these books changed my worldview, and I highly recommend them if you're looking for inspiring reading. Read my book reviews to learn more.


Cognitive scientist Steven Pinker shows just how violence is declining. ──《GatesNotes》

科學家Steven Pinker解釋說明了暴力如何從我們的世界中逐漸消失。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


If you’re going to read one book about modern China in the period after Mao, then this is the book you should read. ──《GatesNotes》

如果您打算讀一本關於毛澤東之後的現代中國之書,那麼您應該讀這本書。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Daniel Yergin’s book is a guide to complex factors shaping energy needs. ──《GatesNotes》

Daniel Yergin的書為影響能源需求的複雜因素提供了指南。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

註:這本書原文版多達800多頁,中文版則是拆成兩部:能源大探索:石油即將枯竭?能源大探索:風 太陽 菌藻

Sometimes people have suggested that I’ve got a “photographic memory,” particularly when I’m talking about topics that interest me, like science and business. ──《GatesNotes》

有時,人們都認為我有過目不忘的記憶力,尤其是當我在談論我感興趣的主題時,例如科學和商業。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

註:本書也是2020夏季書單中再次提到值得閱讀之書(Other books worth reading)

A vivid depiction of the daily challenges millions face in urban slums. ──《GatesNotes》

生動描繪了住在城市貧民窟的數百萬人所面臨的日常挑戰。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


Gordon Conway provides a roadmap for eliminating hunger in the world. ──《GatesNotes》

Gordon Conway提供了消除世界飢餓的願景藍圖。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Why are other countries beating the U.S. in global measures of education? ──《GatesNotes》

為什麼其他國家在全球教育指標上擊敗美國? ──《比爾.蓋茲》

The quality of our colleges and universities – particularly for undergraduates – should be a topic we all care about as a country. College is crucial in educating and preparing young people to succeed in an increasingly competitive global economy. ──《GatesNotes》

高等教育素質,尤其是對大學生而言,應該是我們作為一個國家都關心的話題。大學教育對於培養年輕人在日益競爭的全球經濟中取得成功至關重要。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》



今年夏天我所讀的書(Books I read this Summer)

The vacation I took this summer gave me a chance to get to some of the books I’d been eager to read. Here are some recommendations of books I enjoyed.


I thought his(Ed Rendell) point of view was really refreshing. He makes a good point about how politics has changed in ways that make it harder for leaders to emerge and to truly lead. ──《GatesNotes》

我認為作者Ed Rendell的觀點確實令人耳目一新。他詳細地說明了政治如何發生了變化,從而導致領導人難以崛起和真正地領導。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Eli Broad has had huge success in business,as the leader of KB Home and then SunAmerica. Now retired,he’s become an important philanthropist in areas including education,which is how I’ve gotten to know him. He attributes a lot of his success to his willingness to defy convention. ──《GatesNotes》

作為KB Home和SunAmerica的領導者,Broad在其事業上取得了巨大成功。他現在退休了,已經成為教育領域的重要慈善家,這就是我認識他的方式。他將他的成就歸功於他樂於向常規慣例挑戰。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Even if you don’t read many inspirational books, try this is one. It’s about enjoying life. Melinda and I went to one of his seminars. He’s a very nice guy. ──《GatesNotes》

即使你閱讀的勵志書籍不多,也可以嘗試一下這本書。這是本關於享受生活的書。我和Melinda去了他的一個研討會,他是一個非常好的人。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


更多精彩的暑期讀物(More Great Summer Reading)

I’ve always been a big reader, and love spreading the word about great books that approach interesting topics in new ways.

Here’s a list of the Top 10 Reader’s Picks, including the two most recommended and another eight books that were frequently recommended. Many of the books recommended were in the fiction category which I found interesting because I tend to read more non-fiction, although I have read The Hunger Games and enjoyed it.




圖片來源 : Gatesnote

雖然我不常閱讀虛構文學,但飢餓遊戲,讀起來很刺激,我很喜歡它,推薦給沒有讀過的人看。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》




賈伯斯是我所欽佩的朋友和同事,在Walter Isaacson這一位優秀的作家筆下,讓我更喜歡這本書,也了解更多關於賈伯斯的生活。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》




A New Kind of Science這本書列在比爾蓋茲於2012年8月8日在其個人部落格所列的十大讀者精選集之中,讀者推薦的許多書籍都屬於小說類,比爾蓋茲覺得這件事很有趣,因為他傾向於閱讀更多非小說類書籍。

A Rogue's Guide to Acquisition這本書列在比爾蓋茲於2012年8月8日在其個人部落格所列的十大讀者精選集之中,讀者推薦的許多書籍都屬於小說類,比爾蓋茲覺得這件事很有趣,因為他傾向於閱讀更多非小說類書籍。



夏日讀物(Great Summer Reading)

Summer is a great time for me to get in some additional time for reading. Here are a few books I’ve read recently, and a short list of some books I’m looking forward to reading this summer.


Over the last couple of years, I’ve been spending time trying to get smarter about the problems associated with rising health care costs in the U.S. I became interested in the topic mostly through my interest in funding for education in the U.S. ──《GatesNotes》

在過去的幾年中,我一直花時間試著對於美國醫療保健費用上漲相關的問題更加了解。我對這個話題感興趣的主要原因來自於資助美國教育的興趣。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》



比爾‧蓋茲在2012年的Great Summer Reading以及More Great Summer Reading這兩篇推薦書單提到他正在讀這本書,並沒有在其個人網站發表書評或看法。美國前總統歐巴馬和比爾蓋茲都曾公開表示正在閱讀這本書。

The Man Who Stayed Behind which is another interesting book by Amanda Bennett. ──《GatesNotes》

我在毛澤東身邊的日子是Amanda Bennett所著作的另一本有趣的書。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


2012曾發表過的書評(GatesNotes Books)

除了2012年推薦的十本書(My Top Reads of 2012:Ten Books that Made Me Think)、暑假推薦書單(Books I read this Summer)以及夏日讀物(Great Summer Reading) 所推薦的書單之外,下列的書是比爾蓋茲在其個人部落格:Gatesnote曾發表過書評的書單:

The growth of for-profit colleges and universities has expanded educational opportunities, but also has stimulated a debate about what's going on in higher education. ──《GatesNotes》

營利性大學的成長擴大了受教育的機會,但也引發了關於高等教育發展的辯論。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

One of the things I’ve learned working in global health and development is that when people in poor countries get enough food to eat, their health improves and they are less susceptible to disease. The Man Who Fed the World is a biography of Norman Borlaug, a brilliant agricultural scientist who understood this and saved a billion people from starvation. ──《GatesNotes》

我在全球衛生與發展領域學到的一件事是,當貧窮國家的人們獲得足夠的糧食時,他們的健康狀況就會得到改善,而且也不容易患病。The Man Who Fed the World是Norman Borlaug的傳記,他是一位傑出的農業科學家,他了解了這一點,並使十億人免於飢餓。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》


I'm an optimist who’s always looking for ways to make things better. So while I takes issue with the anxious tone of That Used to Be Us, by Tom Friedman and Michael Mandelbaum, I mostly agree with their message that the answers to America’s economic challenges are to be found in its past. ──《GatesNotes》

我是個一直在尋找使事情變得更好的樂觀主義者。因此,當我對Tom Friedman和Michael Mandelbaum所著的That Used to Be Us的焦慮語氣持懷疑態度時,我大體上同意他們的意見,即對美國經濟挑戰的答案將在過去找到。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Lewin is an inspiring example of a scientist who is dedicated to careful observation, measurement and experimentation, the most reliable routes to real knowledge. He is unique, but we all can learn a lot—about teaching and life, as well as physics—from him, his lectures and For the Love of Physics. ──《GatesNotes》

Lewin是一位激勵人心的科學家榜樣,他致力於細心觀察、測量和實驗,這是獲得真實知識的最可靠途徑。他是獨一無二的,但我們都可以從他身上、他的演講和For the Love of Physics中學到很多東西,包括教學、生活以及物理學。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

I never pass up the chance to spend time with my friend, Warren Buffett, because time with him is the essence of time well spent. Every time we get together, I learn a lot. I laugh a lot. And I leave hungry for more. ──《GatesNotes》

我永遠不會錯過與我的朋友巴菲特共度時光的機會,因為與他相聚是度過美好時光的關鍵。每次我們聚在一起,我都會學到很多東西,我笑了很多,而且我渴望更多。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》



Science writer Matt Ridley recently wrote The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves. The book focuses on some of the critical issues facing the world today including aid to Africa and climate change. ──《GatesNotes》

Although the U.S. has faced significant challenges in recent decades, Vaclav Smil points out in a new book why comparisons with the decline of the Roman Empire fall short. ──《GatesNotes》

Meeting the world’s energy needs requires an honest assessment. ──《GatesNotes》

In a new book, Vaclav Smil explains the energy transitions that have driven social, economic and technological change worldwide over time. He also discusses the evolving shift from fossil fuels to renewables. ──《GatesNotes》

Technology can transform education by simplifying access to great material, providing new approaches to learning, and offering a framework for assessing student progress and teacher effectiveness. A recent book looks at how technology is being used today and the barriers to change in the future. ──《GatesNotes》

In his recently published book, Life is What You Make It: Find Your Own Path to Fulfillment, Peter Buffett writes about the values he absorbed growing up as one of three children of Warren Buffett and the late Susan Buffett, and the independent path he has pursued as a musician and producer. ──《GatesNotes》

What we eat and how farmers grow our food has a surprisingly big impact on our climate and the environment. Tomorrow’s Table is a book I read a few years ago that offers a window into the lives of a geneticist and organic farmer trying to increase yields on their farm using new kinds of seeds and innovative growing techniques. ──《GatesNotes》

Knowing what caused the current economic crisis is critical if we are going to prevent the next one. A new book provides interesting background about the way the Federal Reserve managed the crisis, but important questions remain about the steps that are needed to measure and mitigate future risk. ──《GatesNotes》

Entertaining, well-written, and full of surprises and insights, SuperFreakonomics is Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner’s follow up to Freakonomics. ──《GatesNotes》

具娛樂性,寫作高明,充滿驚喜與洞見,超爆蘋果橘子經濟學是 Steven Levitt 和 Stephen Dubner 繼蘋果橘子經濟學的後繼之作。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

Founded in 1994 by Mike Feinberg and Dave Levin, KIPP (Knowledge is Power Program) is one of the most promising examples of innovative thinking in American education. ──《GatesNotes》

KIPP (Knowledge is Power Program,知識就是力量課程)是在1994年由 Mike Feinberg 和 Dave Levin 所創立,是美國教育中最有希望的創新思維例子之一。 ──《比爾.蓋茲》

For all that has been written lately about energy conservation, where energy comes from, how we use it, and how much CO2 gas it generates, it’s hard to gain a clear picture of the situation. A new book by David MacKay provides the framework people need to really understand this critical subject. ──《GatesNotes》

David MacKay 在 TED TALKS 的演講



